3 Steps to a Major Break Through to Freedom

I’ve always marveled at the dental profession as I’ve witnessed dentists balance two careers as one    

—  dentist AND business owner  —

Mainly because I’ve seen it blend beautifully and other times I’ve seen it become a disastrous burden for too many well-intentioned doctors — leaving them looking and feeling like burnt toast with nothing left at the end of the day. So, what’s the magic to making it a success?

Well, let me first share something that I believe will resonate with you…

I recently attended a women’s conference and had the privilege of listening to a speaker who is beyond hysterical. She had me and the entire audience in a full-ab workout of hard belly laughter. Her name is Colette Carlson. Colette is no-nonsense and tells it like it is. In a portion of her presentation she breaks down this hilarious skit demonstrating (using a participant from the audience and props) just how many different roles most Mom’s take on…with a BIG “M” on their chest and a waving cape at their back.

So, what does this have to do with the dentist?

Because, in that moment when my laughter settled — I thought of YOU!

And, a quiet calm of compassion came over me. See, it had never occurred to me before that moment  — dentist’s fit the same mold of carrying the torch, taking on every and any role in the name of saving “time”, saving money, getting it done “right”, getting it done when you want it…blah…blah…blah!

Doc is the team recruiter and HR manager — doing all the interviewing, hiring and firing; the one who researches the programs and systems to upgrade the practice; the financial negotiator (when patient’s pin the Dr in the treatment room questioning the last bill); the creator of marketing strategies; the web designer; the social media manager; the one who attends the community events; writes the newsletters; pays the bills; does payroll; runs to make the deposit; the team therapist (I threw that one in just to make sure you’re paying attention — actually, sometimes it’s true)…do you get my point?

Seriously, when does THIS dentist have time to design beautiful smiles and be fully present — enjoying every moment with every patient? Would you agree, it’s just not possible — not without sacrificing something. Because if you’re doing all this…you are ALSO the leader of your team, a partner at home, a parent to your children and the playmate to your dog…REALLY?!?

I get it — your practice is your baby and you want to take part in the decision-making process. I’m not suggesting you don’t. I’m suggesting you take a different spin on how you’re getting your end results. For instance, if you have some great ideas about how you want your website to look — share that with your marketing maven or web ninja and have him or her create it. I promise it will be in less time and cost you less than what your time is worth. Not just financially — but, what your time is really worth.


Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back.

~ Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I here for?


You’re about to experience what I like to call my dental floss smackdown. Since this is my first post I’ll give it to you gently…


This isn’t my pitch for why you need me…this is my pitch for you to save your life — your quality of life!

All you need is a commitment to transform it.

So, here are a few action steps for you to consider — but only once you’ve planted yourself in a quiet space where you can be alone and without distractions (phone and computer on timeout):

  • Inventory what you do in any given day into two lists: Practice / Home  – list all your tasks no matter how “insignificant” they may seem
  • Place the letter “A” in front of those juicy activities you relish and want more of in your life and work – what brings you the greatest joy (on your Home list, that may be playing catch with your son at the end of the day; on your Practice, it could be doing those 8 maxillary anterior veneers for your favorite patient)
  • Assign the letter “B”  to those activities you want to be a part of but not DIRECTLY – an area you may want to collaborate initially and receive updates but you don’t want to execute (this could be ideas for the website that you delegate to your web master)
  • Place a “C” in front of those you don’t enjoy – activities that bring you NO fulfillment or meaning, drain you and take you away from what you really want to be doing (this could be doing payroll or paying bills and even running to Costco for office supplies)


Now, on three separate pages group your A’s, B’s and C’s and title them as follows:

      1. Your “C” activities are what Cuts you off from your most powerful and authentic self. These keep you “busy” yet not engaged in doing what you really love and what gets your juices flowing. Here are my questions to you…how can you create opportunity to remove these from your plate? What needs to take place in order for you to allow someone else to take these on? How can you make that happen? Who can you enroll to support you?
      2. Your “B” items are those activities you want to Be a part of but not directly. These are areas that are important to you but not critical for you to be doing yourself — taking away valuable productive time and personal energy. My questions to you are…is there someone from your team you can enroll to support you with these — either directly or finding the right person for the job? What system(s) do you need to create to get the information you need and not have you bogged down with the execution of it?
      3. Your “A” items are what creates Abundance in your life and practice — this is where you want to focus because it is in this space where magic happens. Seriously, when you are doing what you truly LOVE miracles start showing up and you are your best and highest self. The universe begins to conspire on your behalf because you are open to receive and finally free to be the best leader to your team, fully present to your patient care and a hero to your family. So, my final questions to you are…how are you going to take care of your “B’s” and “C’s” so your life is filled with Abundance? And, by when?


Please share with our community — your questions and comments — as it will support others in their journey of creating a life and practice they love!

Thank you for reading and contributing. And, I’ll see you next week.

With Love,

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