We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore is not an act but a habit. 

– Aristotle

Nearly every dentist wants new patients, recognizes the value of new patients and may even invest (sometimes heavily) in strategies to pull new patients in to the practice. However, how is it that patients seemingly come through the front door only to be silently slipping out the back? This conversation can certainly expand on many levels. However, I want to keep this short and sweet and focus on one area today — going back to the basics with a new patient.

A lot of this may be what you think you already know. However, I firmly believe until it is something you are doing every day (habit) — only then is it something you truly know. 

So, let me ask…is your ultimate goal for a new patient set on building relationship to establish a lifelong loyal patient? How about having a new patient fall in LOVE with your team instantly — sending more new patients your way? If so…

you’re in the right spot — or rather, the sweet spot!

I’ve got a tool for you that will get you there.

The 10-Step New Patient Checklist is a simple tool to examine ten distinct areas that make a HUGE impact on your new patients’ experience of the practice. I invite you to use it as a guide to take an honest look at your current procedures, practices and patient interactions and where there may be room to grow.

Tip:  Use your New Patient Checklist as a topic to include in your team meetings. Take one area at a time and brainstorm as a team. This is a powerful exercise to enroll the team in offering their input and collaboration in designing an even better new patient experience — one that reflects your extraordinary practice and team.

And, if you find you need a little help, I would love the opportunity to support you in expanding or refining any of these areas.

To get your checklist… simply insert, “New Patient Checklist” in the subject of an email and hit “send” to me directly — Chris@hygienebydesign.com — and, you’ll have your 10-Step New Patient Checklist today!

As always, I’d love to hear from you…

What systems have you used to support you and your team in making that new patient experience an extraordinary one?

Let us know how the New Patient Checklist is working for you and ways you have taken on one or more — or all ten — areas of the checklist.

Cheers…to the habit of excellence,

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