Christine Wuerth is the founder of Hygiene by Design. She has been immersed in the dental industry since 1987. Beginning as a dental assistant and front office team member she quickly realized hygiene was her next step. Since 1995 Christine has practiced as a dental hygienist and has an expansive clinical background in a variety of specialties including endo, ortho, pedo and perio as well as high-end full aesthetic and general dentistry practices. During her hygiene career, Christine expanded beyond the treatment room part-time to explore dental sales in technology and dental products. She also served as a corporate dental consultant to collaborate on marketing strategies, product development and the creation of training and support materials for sales consultants. Christine is also currently trained and certified as a Human Resource consultant with Bent Ericksen & Associates.
Her love of this industry is rooted in making a life-changing difference for others and she takes great pride in taking extraordinary care of her patients. YES! She still gets her “hygiene fix” on a flex-schedule in Orange County, California.
Christine brings a wealth of in-depth knowledge — not just from study but, from being in the throws day-after-day in what it takes to establish successful systems in every area of the dental practice, build a thriving hygiene department from the ground up, collaborate and bring cooperation, leadership and development of working teams together. She has not only the clinical but also the business savvy and sales and marketing experience that set her apart from a consultant. Creating this platform to be your creative designer, strategist and coach in building the life and practice you love is a dream come true for her.
Behind the scenes of dentistry Christine has a passion for the empowerment of at-risk youth. She serves as a “Big” along with various other volunteer opportunities and she has been intimately involved in the development of social consciousness projects and a non-profit organization.
She invites you to take a closer look and see how she may be able to serve you and your practice. Learn more about who we are at Hygiene by Design.