By making subtle, yet profound shifts in the mindset of the practice you can unlock the hidden potential and put your team on a path to confidence, peace and productivity.
Posts TaggedProductivity
Expanding the Perio-Focused Approach – Part I
I know dentists who won’t even administer anesthetic without their assistant helping them. Okay, I won’t pick on you, but it’s true. My point is, as the doctor, you have the power to make sure your hygienist has the help s/he needs. I’m encouraging you to take the lead here. Yes, it helps the hygienist and, more importantly, it supports the practice as a whole by getting necessary periodontal therapy diagnosed early and providing excellence in patient care. To get the ball rolling, I recommend incorporating this as a component in every morning huddle.
How Do You Say Ahhh?
It is not uncommon that a patient’s condition can be modified in a relatively short period of time — often due to systemic factors such as pregnancy, stress, diabetes, etc. In this case, the patient may require either a localized or full-mouth non-surgical periodontal therapy approach (SRP) in addition to or in lieu of a prophylaxis. This scenario often challenges hygienists because it becomes an appointment that can require more time educating and treating the patient appropriately. However, having a well-defined protocol in place will support a team in swiftly shifting gears from what is scheduled into what the patients’ needs are in a productive and fluid manner.
When It Sounds Too Good To Be True…
Welcome to the introduction of our first in a monthly feature we’re calling, Product Buzz. Each month we’ll be exploring one of my top picks — a specific product or tool, all the juicy details, perks and even promotions you can tap into AND, bottom line…how it can boost your practice with a rise in productivity and continue to raise the bar on the level of service you provide every day.
Leading the Hygiene Team to Peak Performance
In fact, I’ve experienced high-level performance from hygiene teams who have more energy, are more peaceful, profitable and having more fun. And, it’s no secret. We simply take performance to the next level by designing a game plan grounded in the unique strengths of the team and in perfect harmony with the goals of the practice.
Ready for a Game Changer?
“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of each individual. Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization…